Monday, September 15, 2008

The Morning After (No, it's not what you think)

<>Well, it’s the morning after my first day here. A lot has happened. But a lot has yet to come. Yesterday morning, when we first got here, I nearly broke down when I was finally alone in my room, everything just really seemed to hit me hard. I'm not going to see my family, friends, or anything back home until December, but that's only for three weeks! It's something very scary when you realize that; but I do believe that it was God who kept me going, I kept hearing him say, “This is where I have you Mark”. So, that was, quite encouraging, to say the least.
Soon after that, my dad and I decided to go explore the city and walk around. So we started walking down Sauchiehall Street and we decided to stop at a Starbucks. Turns out it was the one I was supposed to interview at, according to an e-mail I got from the Starbucks district manager. So, I asked to see the manager, and after about ten minutes of talking with him, I got a jorb. So that was something absolutely huge, that God just sort of told me, “Hey Mark, I really do have things under control.”
I really think my focus is going to change here a lot. I’m already really relying on God, because the reason I was so down yesterday is mostly because I realized that I really know absolutely no one here. But God just keeps telling me, “I am here.” It‘s going to be a journey while I’m here, but there is going to be plenty of crazy awesome things that will happen, I’m scared, but excited. Nervous, but not so tired after about 12 hours of sleep last night.
Know that you all are kept in my prayers, and that I hope God is going to change and stretch you as I am going through the same, because I know it will make me a better man for tomorrow.
I’m writing this on a word doc, and have yet to get internet access at the school, I’ll upload this once I get the chance.



Michael Reid said...

What are you doing in scotland then Mark?
(Sorry, I should have read your older blogs shouldn't I?)

Kevin Michael Bazan said...

woot! im excited mark!!! i will keep reading!